I should have listened to Julie Andrews years ago…

On to my second consecutive movie related post... Maybe it's a new trend. After watching inside out last weekend I had a rough few days. Using my new skills I forced myself to reach out to a friend, Dr. K and eventually to a potential sponsor for the 12 step program I have been attending pretty regularly.  It felt great to make contact and put my feelings of uncertainty out into the universe and have others commiserate and show understanding of my continuous struggles.  So where does Julie Andrews enter there picture?

I grew up loving The Sound of Music (even required Dan to watch it with me before I'd marry him), and know all the lyrics to My Favorite Things, but never knew that this song held the secret to my happiness (or at least to the lessening of my depression).  Now I do have to explain... And before I do I want you to know that I am praying (to my higher power) that this works…

Dr. K and I had a long talk today about my thinking patterns. My brain has been programmed into the habit of dwelling on the negative; I need to practice harping on the funny, positive and successful parts of my life in order to change my brain. The concept is crazy to me, but I am starting to be a believer.  "Think happy thoughts" is a phrase that I have abhorred since I began this journey.  I kept telling myself and others that if that worked I wouldn't be on meds or in therapy, but I'm learning that thinking happy thoughts, in addition to everything else, may be the only way out.   

When Dr. K was explaining this to me by acknowledging how I was laughing and smiling when sharing happy memories from my week the song "My Favorite Things" suddenly popped into my head.  Julie Andrews belts it out for the von Trapp kids when they are scared of a thunderstorm... I sometimes sing it in the shower or car, but not for any reason other than I love show tunes.  But now I realize that Maria may have actually had a background in therapy in addition to nunnery.  If it works I'll let you know.

So now what?
It would be so nice and easy if I loved whiskers on kittens & warm woolen mittens; unfortunately I'm going to have to write my own lyrics.

So here goes:

Funny movies and historic fiction,
Coffee from Starbucks and snuggly children
Ice cream sundaes with lot of fun toppings,
These are a few of my favorite things

Amazon shopping and hot baths and sleeping,
Drives with loud music and with some speeding,
When daughters dress up in costumes and sing
These are a few of my favorite things
Hanging with good friends and with my husband,
Dreaming of trips to a foreign island
Sushi and pizza and silver rings
These are a few of my favorite things

When the sad hits
When the gloom strikes
When I'm feeling blue
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel like poo

Constructive criticism welcome in the comments - but try not to be too harsh - I am not planning to go into songwriting! (photos of some of my favorite things added to try and redeem myself)


  1. This blog is amazing! I am in awe of your journey, courage and refection. Maybe you don't want to go into song writing...but you have a future in poetry!


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