Ready or Not, Here I Come…

I’ve been on summer vacation going on one week, with some ups and fewer downs.  My daughters and I have been hanging out, cooking, baking, pretending to clean (ok - doing a little cleaning) and watching more television than we should admit to seeing.  A few visits with friends, because I am following the great advice to not turn down invitations to leave the house, rounded out our week.  And now I am trying my hardest to get ready for what will be an intense 5 days of work, shooting photography at a sleep away camp. But first I have to drive 3 ½ hours alone.  Once that would have sounded wonderful, but over the past few months has become a somewhat intimidating idea.  Dr. K suggested listening to books on tape in addition to having a playlist ready to go that will keep me up (both literally and figuratively) on my drive north.  With that in mind, I visited my library website and downloaded two MP3 audiobooks and even downloaded an app to my phone that should allow me to listen.  That being said, tomorrow I am dragging my girls to the library when it opens to check out some physical CD audiobooks for when I can’t figure out how to work my phone (no one that knows me will be surprised by this). I will be making this trip three separate times this summer - so I have to keep positive and be well prepared with many of my coping skills to help me through.  I am planning my rest stop at a Starbucks about halfway - thanks to all my gift cards I received at the end of the year from students and their families. It is slightly hard for me to realize that the road trip will only be the beginning of this adventure.

I will be staying in my friend’s room, sleeping on an air mattress. Hanging out with a multitude of college age counselors and staff members, a few good friends who work there and hundreds of kids - morning, noon, and night is just a little daunting.  Until now, I really thought I’d be great by the time I had to leave for work.  Recently I have come to the realization that I will need to stay on top of my game.  I do not expect to have any or much downtime.  Spending my days shooting, my evenings editing and posting photos and then all meals and in between times with lots and lots of other people.  Luckily three people know what I am going through, which will hopefully help a lot.  The power of a hug, a hand squeeze or even a smile is often just what I need.  I guess I’ll also need clean underwear, clothes, sneakers and toiletries - I’ve been so busy worrying about my psychological needs that I haven’t even thought to gather physical necessities.  Guess I should go start some laundry! Hope to have a good, positive report to give when I get back in town and to better internet connections.


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