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Tired doesn’t even begin to describe it…
The past year I have complained about my lack of energy. Dr. K keeps reminding me that recovery is exhausting. I thought I knew what tired was. I think I was wrong. First week of school teacher tired is real. And exhausting. And I know many of my friends and colleagues are nodding their heads at the moment in agreement. But I have to say it is nothing compared to first-week-of-school-one-kid-stayed-home-sick-on-Friday-stayed-out-two-nights-during-the-week-once-for-a-12-step-meeting-and-once-for-her-birthday-dinner-drove-kids-to-3-hours-of-after-school-dance-in-a-different-city-still-battling-uphill-in-her-recovery-and-not-sleeping-well-at-night-tired. Honestly. So smart girl that I am - what did I do this weekend? Attempted to do some house cleaning. Closet and dresser drawers on Saturday evening and then had mom volunteer to come over and help this morning. Before she arrived I went for an hour long walk with a friend - because it’s supposed to be good for me. Mom helped clean and organize the den and pantry. Everything is looking better. Well, everything except me. I am semi-coherent and collapsed on the sofa. Girls are upstairs with two neighborhood friends doing who knows what. I would write more and try to make a wonderful point or analogy, instead I will be signing off to stare blankly at the TV until it is acceptable to go to bed, after all tomorrow is MONDAY.
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